Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Full name : Accessible technologies for the verification of origin of dairy products as an example control system to enhance global trade and food safety
Coordinator : Kelly S (FAO/IAEA)
Funding bodies Division of Nuclear Applications in Food and Agriculture
Type : Coordination and support
start and end: 2012 - 2013
Link : http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nafa/fep/crp/fep-global-trade-food-safety.html
Country : World
Commodity : AP-Milk and milk products
Summary : This coordinated research project (CRP) will address some of the challenges that developing countries are facing in ensuring food traceability. It will develop a complete end-to-end system, using dairy milk, which has been recently involved in fraud issues endangering the public health (cases of melamine in milk), as an example commodity. Dairy is a priority commodity due to its simple processing procedures, high level of trade, and use as an ingredient in sensitive products such as infant formula. This system will then be available as a template that can be transferred to other commodities as required.