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Short name : RTA2011-00135-00-00
Full name : Profiling of phenolic compounds in Castanea sativa Mill.: from the forest to the industry
Coordinator : Feito Diaz I
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2011 - 2014
Link :
Country : Spain
Commodity : PP-Nuts, nut products and seeds
Summary : 1. Estimate the influence of certain forestry management techniques and seasonal quality on some specific phenolic compounds related to the ecophysiology of the tree itself (growth regulation and self defense against pest and diseases). 2. To establish the influence of the forest seasonal quality and evaluated teh use of some chestnut product and by-product in enology. 3. To determine the effect of the origin of plant material collected in three models of chestnut stands: i) managed and unmanaged coppices, ii) with different forest seasonal qualities and iii) grafted trees on the phenolic content, nutritional composition and lipid profile. 4. To compare the quantity and quality of carcass and meat autochthonous Asturian pigs, reared in chestnut coppices, with those in semi-extensive system.