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Title : Portable unit 'sniffs' out counterfeit liquors
Author(s) :
Source : SecuringIndustry.com
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.securingindustry.com/food-and-beverage/portable-unit-sniffs-out-counterfeit-liquors/s104/a6655/
Country : World
Commodity: AB Alcoholic Beverages-All
Abstract: Watered-down or fake liquors can reap financial rewards for nefarious individuals, but the adulteration of liquor cheats consumers and can even lead to health hazards from added contaminants. Scientists now report in ACS Sensors a portable device with an advanced sensor array that can identify liquors and determine if they'd been altered, offering a strategy for liquor quality assurance. In the past few years, deaths from contaminated alcohol have been reported in Indonesia, Mexico, China, Poland, and Russia, among other places. Unscrupulous individuals hoping to make a profit may homebrew liquor and bottle it in official-looking packaging or dilute liquor with anything from water to antifreeze. Kenneth Suslick and Zheng Li from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wanted to address this growing health concern by engineering a device that can easily identify tainted products.