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Title : Clear Waters Ahead? The Push for a Transparent Seafood Supply Chain
Author(s) :
Source : FoodSafetyTech
Year : 2020
Link : https://foodsafetytech.com/column/clear-waters-ahead-the-push-for-a-transparent-seafood-supply-chain/
Country : World
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: The seafood supply chain handles 158 million metric tons of product every year, 50% of which comes from wild sources. Operating in every ocean on the planet, the industry is struggling to figure out how to overcome the numerous obstacles to traceability, which include unregulated fishing, food fraud and unsustainable fishing practices. With these and other problems continuously plaguing the supply chain, distributors and importers cannot consistently guarantee the validity, source or safety of their products. Furthermore, there are limits to what a buyer or retailer can demand of the supply chain. Niche solutions abound, but a panacea has yet to be found.