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Title : Australian Company Develops Invisible Technology to Combat Food Fraud
Author(s) :
Source : Olive Oil Times
Year : 2017
Link : https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-business/australian-company-develops-invisible-technology-combat-food-fraud/57681
Country : Australia
Commodity: FO-Olive oil
Abstract: An Australian company called YPB Group has developed an all-new anti-fraud technology to assist local and international food product exporters in combating sophisticated food counterfeiters. The invisible tracer technology contains invisible particles that can be mixed in paint, plastic and ink applied to caps, corks or labels – and even directly to food. First developed in 2015 with a vision of becoming a scalable solution preventing counterfeiters from copying products, the patented product can be embedded into almost any substrate used to package or seal a product, and is based on inorganic, non-radioactive trace minerals that have been certified by the European, American and Chinese food and drug administrations as safe for direct contact with food. It is already in use by businesses in the Asia Pacific region to safeguard everything from tax certificates to consumer goods and even pharmaceuticals. According to Jens Michel, CEO of YPB Group, the technology can easily be adopted by local and international olive oil farmers and producers, as “any product that requires protection or certification of authenticity would benefit from our technology protecting the brand’s integrity and decreasing the risk from counterfeit.