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Title : Fish fraud: Study finds 20 percent of seafood samples mislabeled worldwide
Author(s) :
Source : OregonLive
Year : 2016
Link : https://www.oregonlive.com/foodday/2016/09/fish_fraud_study_finds_20_perc.html
Country : World
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: That fish you're eating may not be the fish you think you're eating. That's according to a new report out from the conservation group Oceana, which analyzed more than 200 previous studies and found that mislabeling of seafood, or fish fraud, is rampant. Of those 200 studies, conducted on every continent save Antarctica, only one was found to be absent of mislabeled fish, the report's authors noted and, of the 25,000 samples analyzed, 1 in 5 was found to fraudulent. The deceit was found in every sector of the seafood industry, too, from retail to wholesale to packaging to processing to exports."The path seafood travels from the fishing boat or farm to our dinner plates is long, complex and non-transparent, rife with opportunities for fraud and mislabeling," Beth Lowell, Oceana senior campaign director, said in a statement. " American consumers deserve to know more about their seafood, including what kind of fish it is, how and where it was caught or farmed, and they should be able to trust the information is accurate."Worldwide, some of the report's findings were particularly alarming.