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Title : DNA scanning tool will uncover food fraud
Author(s) :
Source : The Times
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dna-scanning-tool-will-uncover-food-mislabelling-fraud-tf89v9rxp
Country : Ireland
Commodity: AP-Meat and edible offal
Abstract: DNA scanning tool will uncover food fraud. The technology was developed after the horsemeat scandal. A new DNA scanning tool will help the country’s food regulator to stop products from being mislabelled. The Food Safety Authority said that the DNA sequencing technology had the capability of identifying the precise contents of a food product. The technology was first developed after the horsemeat scandal in 2013, when Irish and British beef products were found to contain other undeclared meats. Europol made 65 arrests in 2017 in connection with its investigation into horsemeat that was unfit for human consumption.