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Title : Fragmented, global supply chains have led to an increase in food fraud
Author(s) :
Source : FoodNavigator.com
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2019/02/20/Fragmented-global-supply-chains-have-led-to-an-increase-in-food-fraud
Country : World
Commodity: All Food
Abstract: It claims the digital revolution is transforming the entire food industry and manufacturers need to embrace upcoming technologies to unlock traceability, transparency, and data intelligence. “ The digital technologies of today represent a major opportunity for food producers to improve efficiency, prevent such scandals, and meet the growing demands that consumers have for information and transparency,​” said Beatrice Conde-Petit, food safety officer, Bühler. From precision farming, to cloud-based sensor technologies for food-quality inspection, to full traceability of ingredient flows in food manufacturing, and smart distribution logistics, digitalization is here and it is disrupting businesses. Consumers, authorities, advocate groups and bloggers worldwide are quick to raise issues on social media – and what they’ve got to say will impact your brand.