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Title : Three Digital Innovation Opportunities for Safer Food Supply Chains
Author(s) :
Source : Lloyd's Register
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.lr.org/en/insights/articles/three-digital-innovation-opportunities-for-safer-food-supply-chains/
Country : United Kingdom
Commodity: All Food
Abstract: Ensuring food safety is in the interests of everyone, from producer, to retailer, to consumer. While consumers are taking more interest in the provenance of the food on their plates, the journey from farm to fork has become increasingly complex, which increases the need for stringent safety and transparency measures. Recently the Lloyd’s Register Safety Accelerator held a ‘Challenges and Innovation in Food Safety’ workshop with UK food industry leaders to discuss the challenges, and opportunities, in ensuring food reaches consumers safely. Three clear challenges for the future emerged: allergens, food fraud and end-product security. 1.