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Title : Seafood mislabeling common across North American supply chains, study finds
Author(s) :
Source : SeafoodSource
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.seafoodsource.com/news/supply-trade/seafood-mislabeling-common-across-north-american-supply-chains-study-finds
Country : Canada
Commodity: SE-Fish and fish products
Abstract: New research completed at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, has found mislabeing is prevalent throughout the supply chain. Researchers found that 32 percent of fish overall were mislabeled. The highest rate of mislabeling was at retailers (38.1 percent), followed by processing plants (27.3 percent) and importers (17.6 percent). Conducted in collaboration with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the study was published in the journal Food Research International.“We’ve been doing seafood fraud studies for a decade,” Robert Hanner, the lead author of the study and associate professor at the University of Guelph, said in a press release. “We know there are problems.