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Title : Seafood mislabelling persistent throughout supply chain, study finds
Author(s) :
Source : Phys.Org
Year : 2019
Link : https://phys.org/news/2019-02-seafood-mislabelling-persistent-chain.html
Country : Canada
Commodity: SE-Fish and fish products
Abstract: Not only does Canada continue to have a problem with fish mislabelling, but that problem persists throughout the supply chain, according to a first-ever study by University of Guelph researchers. In a new study, U of G researchers found 32 per cent of fish were mislabelled and the number of incorrectly identified samples became compounded as the samples moved through the food system. "We've been doing seafood fraud studies for a decade," said Prof. Robert Hanner, lead author and associate director for the Canadian Barcode of Life Network.