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Title : Some retail buyers ‘want to be screwed’
Author(s) :
Source : Undercurrent News
Year : 2013
Link : https://www.undercurrentnews.com/2013/02/22/some-retail-buyers-want-to-be-screwed/
Country : World
Commodity: All Food
Abstract: The horsemeat scandal in Europe poses questions on supply chain for all food companies, seafood included. The long supply chain, which led to horsemeat finding its way into lasagne products sold under the Findus brand, has been blamed for the situation. However, sources told Undercurrent News some retail buyers, who one source said often “want to be screwed”, use such supply chains as a way to build up a distance from what is actually going on. Findus had outsourced processing to French manufacturer Comigel, which bought the horse-masquerading-as-beef from Spanghero, another French processor owned by Lur Berri, which is also majority owner of the high-end seafood producers Labeyrie Fine Foods. The meat was, in turn, supplied to Spanghero by a Romanian firm.