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Title : Italian Wineries under Scanner for breaking Law Clandestinely
Author(s) :
Source : Indian Wine Academy
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.indianwineacademy.com/item_3_802.aspx
Country : Italy
Commodity: PP-Fruits (fresh, dried,...)
Abstract: In India, the new wine laws are about to be enforced on April 1 to ensure that the basic standards are met but they may not be able to stop the current bad practices as one can see from the Italian example where many consider wine to be sacred and believe that what is stated on a label is what’s actually in the bottle but a string operation carried out last week across a dozen Italian wine regions have exposed a rather sour practice, according to a Report At least 50 wine companies related to wine production, including vineyards and bottling companies are under investigation for making expensive wines with mediocre grapes. The suspected fraudulent wines are however, not dangerous for health. They are also not necessarily bad tasting but are overpriced compared to their worth. These practices have nothing to do with the fraud cases that have engulfed the world of fine wine.