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Title : CFIA cracking down on olive oil after bad European olive harvest
Author(s) :
Source : ctvnews.ca
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/cfia-cracking-down-on-olive-oil-after-bad-european-olive-harvest-1.4286153
Country : Canada
Commodity: FO-Olive oil
Abstract: The Canadian government is cracking down after a bad olive harvest in Europe has brought the quality of olive oil into question. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency warns that a bad year for olive producers may result in an increase in olive oil fraud, but says they're ready to combat it. "We are telling them – we are paying attention," the CFIA's Aline Dimitri told CTV News. "You should be on notice." Bad weather, fire, and pests have had a significant damaging effect on the olive crops of southern Europe this year, with some farmers reporting that their production decreased by as much as 30 per cent.