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Title : After a poor harvest in Europe, we need to beware of fake olive oil
Author(s) :
Source : National Post
Year : 2019
Link : https://nationalpost.com/life/food/after-a-poor-harvest-in-europe-we-need-to-beware-of-fake-olive-oil
Country : Canada
Commodity: FO-Olive oil
Abstract: For fraudsters, disruptions in supply and demand signal opportunity. Unfortunately for olive oil lovers, a poor European harvest presents just such a chance, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) cautions. As part of a special project, the agency has begun collecting samples nationwide to ward against adulteration. The CFIA has fined past transgressors for diluting olive oil with less expensive fats such as sunflower and palm oils. While economically motivated, the fraudulent practice represents a potential food safety risk as well.