Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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show news story

Title : Adding fuel to the fake fire
Author(s) :
Source : East Coast Radio
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.ecr.co.za/news/consumerwatch/adding-fuel-fake-fire/
Country : South Africa
Commodity: PP-Cereals and cereal products
Abstract: Sadly, the facts tend not to have the shock value of the fake stuff, which is why those fake food videos go viral. And they get people nicely stirred up; stirred up enough to go on a violent rampage, as we saw with the recent looting of foreign-owned shops in Soweto. A Durban woman, Zaheera, watched one of those social media videos claiming that plastic rice is being passed off as real rice. How can you tell if rice is fake, that is plastic? Well, you cook it up