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Title : Supermarket fish are mislabeled on a mass scale, New York state reports
Author(s) :
Source : Quartz
Year : 2018
Link : https://qz.com/1497273/supermarket-fish-are-mislabeled-on-a-mass-scale-new-york-state-reports/
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: Seafood mislabeling is “rampant” across New York, according to a study released by the state attorney general’s office on Friday (Dec. 14).The attorney general’s office purchased fish from 155 stores across 29 supermarket brands throughout the state, and then sent them to a lab for testing. A remarkable number of the specimens—more than one in every four, or 27%—were not what the supermarkets said they were. Instead, they were often completely different, cheaper, and less sustainably raised species. People who buy lemon sole, red snapper, and grouper in particular are more likely than not to receive an entirely different fish, according to the report.28% of “wild” salmon was actually farmed salmon, despite costing one-third more on average67% of “red snapper” was something else entirely—often lane snapper, a nutritionally similar but cheaper variety. The report notes the lane snapper also had higher mercury levels.