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Title : New Rules Crack Down on Illegal Fishing and Seafood Fraud
Author(s) :
Source : Organic Authority
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.organicauthority.com/buzz-news/new-rules-crack-down-on-illegal-fishing-and-seafood-fraud
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: New rules protecting the U.S. against illegal fishing and seafood fraud have been announced for January 6, with compliance beginning January 1 of 2018. These rules, known as the Seafood Import Monitoring Program, will prevent unverifiable or untraceable seafood from entering the United States market. "It sends an important message to the international seafood community that if you are open and transparent about the seafood you catch and sell across the supply chain, then the U.S. markets are open for your business," Catherine Novelli, a State Department undersecretary, told the Associated Press about the new rules. ADVERTISEMENTThanks for watching!Visit Website As part of the program, seafood importers will be required to maintain records to improve seafood traceability from harvest to sale. The program will focus on “priority species,” including tuna, swordfish, Atlantic cod, and grouper.