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Title : Foreign infant milk formula still highly coveted in China 10 years after the melamine scandal
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Source : Foreign infant milk formula still highly coveted in China 10 years after the melamine scandal
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.marketplace.org/2018/10/24/world/foreign-infant-milk-formula-still-highly-coveted-china-10-years-after-melamine
Country : China
Commodity: SF-Infant formula
Abstract: The e-commerce platform JD.com is one of the most popular ways to buy foreign infant milk formula. - JD.comWhen Zhang Zheng gave birth to her son two years ago in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing, she didn’t have enough breast milk. Zhang, a fertility doctor, said she had to turn to infant milk formula. While she was not familiar with baby formula, there was one thing she was certain about.“[My husband