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Title : Grouper, snapper, cod? Mislabeling is rampant in the seafood industry
Author(s) :
Source : CBS News
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.cbsnews.com/news/grouper-snapper-cod-mislabeling-is-rampant-in-the-seafood-industry/
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE-Fish and fish products
Abstract: Recent investigations and studies have shown mislabeling – sometimes due to error but often the result of outright fraud – is rampant in the seafood industry, showing up both in the marketplace and on restaurant menus. One study of retailers found seafood like grouper, cod and snapper may be mislabeled up to 87 percent of the time, swapped out for less desirable and cheaper varieties. For example, only seven of the 120 samples of red snapper were actually red snapper. CBS News' Meg Oliver spoke to Vinny Millbourn, who hails from a long line of fishermen. The fishmonger at Greenpoint Fish and Lobster Company in Brooklyn, New York, specializes in local, domestic and traceable species.