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show news story

Title : Buying fake honey as simple as a Google search
Author(s) :
Source : The Sydney Morning Herald
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/buying-fake-honey-as-simple-as-a-google-search-20180904-p501qo.html
Country : Australia
Commodity: AP-Honey and royal jelly
Abstract: If you think it’s hard to pass fake honey off as the real thing, try typing “rice syrup pass” into Google and the results will shock you. Chinese websites selling not just rice syrup but ones that come with a claim that they can pass various official honey tests are being sold for $US500 a metric tonne by various Chinese companies. The syrup promises to be able to beat the C4 sugar test, which is the official test used in Australia for testing imported honey. These syrups claim they can also pass the C3 test and the C13 test along with a series of other tests which have been designed to detect honey adulteration.