Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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One of the objectives of the Authent-Net project is to establish a dynamic and sustainable European information platform, named the "Food Authenticity Research Network Hub (FARNHub).

This platform is a web-based portal where users can get an overview of currently available resources related to food authenticity.

This includes papers and documents (scientific or other), ongoing projects, online databases, an overview of funding bodies with contact points, news stories and regulations on food authenticity. Analytical methods are addressed by the Food Integrity project (WP2) through the Food Integrity Knowledge Base

Add content

If you want add some content, one national representative involved in the AuthentNet project can be contacted to approve and update the database to the following address:   farnhub@cra.wallonie.be

This application is in open access for search and view content. By not restricting use of the FARNHub to individuals formally involved in food authenticity (i.e. researchers, employees of national food health/safety bodies, etc.), we ensure that all possible users who have an interest in food authenticity can benefit from the hub and its content.

Providing open access to the entries listed on the FARNHub does not necessarily guarantee access to the content itself.

The FARNHub can also contain entries linking to closed access resources such as articles behind a paywall, databases requiring registration, online resources with a region lock or other similar restrictive measures.

Additional information can be found in the Quick Funder Guide available in 5 languages (Dutch, English, French, Italian and Spanish) and on the map webpage

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