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Title : Strontium isotopic signatures of natural mineral waters, the reference to a simple geological map and its potential for authentication of food
Author(s) : Voerkelius S; Lorenz G; Rummel S; Quetel C; Heiss G; Baxter M; Brach-Papa C; Deters-itzelsberger P; Hoelzl S; Hoogewerff J; Ponzevera E; Van Bocxstaele M; Ueckermann H
Year : 2010
Type : Scientific (article, thesis, book, ...)
Name : Food Chemistry
Peer reviewed : Yes
Link : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.04.125
Country : Germany
Commodity : NA-Water (including mineral, aerated, flavoured or sweetened)
Abstract :