Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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A comprehensive characterisation of the fibre composition and properties of a limb (Flexor digitorum superficialis, membri thoraci) and a trunk (Psoas major) muscle in cattle
Moreno-Sanchez N; Diaz C; Carabano MJ; Rueda J; Rivero JLBMC Cell Biology 2008
A comprehensive study of hazelnut oil composition with comparisons to other vegetable oils, particularly olive oil
Benitez-Sanchez PL; Leon-Camacho M; Aparicio REuropean Food Research and Technology 2003
A conventional multiplex PCR assay for the detection of toxic gemfish species (Ruvettus pretiosus and Lepidocybium flavobrunneum): A simple method to combat health frauds
Giusti A; Castigliego L; Rubino R; Gianfaldoni D; Guidi A; Armani AJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016
A cool comparison of black and white pepper grades
van Ruth, S.M., Silvis, I.C.J., Ramos, M.E., (...), Elliott, C.T., Alewijn, M. 2019
A Cost-Efficient and Simple Plant Oil DNA Extraction Protocol Optimized for DNA-Based Assessment of Product Authenticity
A critical review on the use of artificial neural networks in olive oil production, characterization and authentication
A detailed and comprehensive study of amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) oil fatty profile
Leon-Camacho M; Garcia-Gonzalez DL; Aparicio REuropean Food Research and Technology 2001
A fuzzy filter for removing interferences among membership grade functions An application to pre-treatment of data in olive oil authentication
Calvente JJ; Aparicio RAnalytica Chimica Acta 1995
A fuzzy filter to study the selectivity and sensitivity of a SPME enhanced SAW sensor system characterizing virgin olive oil aroma
Garcia-Gonzalez DL; Barie N; Rapp M; Aparicio RSensors and Actuators B. Chemical 2006
A guide to food authenticity issues and analytical solutions
Morin JF; Lees MFoodIntegrity Handbook 2018
Food Display
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Search filters allow you to find publications that share one or more pieces of information, that means:

  • Publications records containing the mentioned keyword (whole word with at least 4 characters).
  • Publications published by one or several teams of the same country (i.e. France) or by teams of several countries inside one continent (i.e. Europe) or by teams of different continents (i.e. World). By this way you are able to filter publications issue from national, continental or international collaboration,
  • Publications dedicated to one specific commodity (i.e. Beers) or a category of commodities (i.e. All alcoholic beverages) or food in general (All food products),
  • Publications published between 2 years (i.e. from 2010 to 2017),
  • Publications peer-reviewed or not.

This tool allows you to find for example:

  • All the publications on olive oil published in 2015 by Spanish teams,
  • All the peer reviewed publications on seafood, published between 2015 and 2017 by European teams,
  • All the publications on beer and wine published from 2010 by Belgian and French teams.