Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : FEED-CODE
Full name : Animal feed certification instrument and procedure to guarantee the quality of meat and dairy products through automatic, simple and rapid DNA barcode method based on tubulin-based polymorphism
Coordinator : Grosso V (LABOR)
Funding bodies European Union
Type : Research activities
start and end: 2012 - 2015
Link : http://www.feedcode-project.eu/
Country : Europe
Commodity : AP Animal Products-All
Summary : The main objective of the FEED-CODE Project is to develop a reliable, simple and cheap method, based on innovative DNA barcodes, for the fingerprinting of every individual plant species present in the animal feed supplied to livestock for meat and dairy production. To this end, FEED-CODE will provide final end-users with an effective and easy-to-use control system which assures compliance with the highest EU standards in food safety and quality. TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES In scientific terms, FEED-CODE is an animal feed certification instrument/platform based on a procedure devised to guarantee the quality of meat and dairy products through an automatic, simple and rapid DNA barcode method that relies on plant tubulin-based polymorphisms (TBP).