Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : AutPlant
Full name : Authenticity of plant products
Coordinator : Taverniers I (ILVO)
Funding bodies Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
Type : Research activities
start and end: 2006 - 2021
Link : http://pure.ilvo.vlaanderen.be/portal/en/projects/authenticiteit-van-plantaardige-producten(b5b5eaca-7b33-4f23-b974-65e3bb122f5f).html
Country : Belgique
Commodity : PP Plants and plant products-All
Summary : PCR is only possible when high quality DNA in sufficient quantities can be isolated from the (processed) product. We therefore focus on the search for suitable and/or custom DNA extraction protocols from various types of end-products. The first step in species identification studies is to use suitable DNA extraction protocols and adjust them for the specific matrices subject to such analyses. We then develop and validate the PCR methods for species identification. Examples include the search for efficient methods for differentiating mustard species (yellow, white and black mustard; Synapis spp.) and of canola or rapeseed (Brassica napus).