Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : PhotonFruit
Full name : Application of emergent spectroscopic techniques to the quality control and traceability of fruits and fruits based products
Coordinator : Baeten V (CRA-W)
Funding bodies Wallonia-Brussel-International
Type : Research activities
start and end: 2014 - 2015
Link : http://www.cra.wallonie.be/en/the-projects/photonfruit
Country : Brazil
Commodity : PP-Fruits (fresh, dried,...)
Summary : UNICAMP and CRA-W have decided to join their effort to set up an ambitious research and training program to apply emergent spectroscopic techniques to the quality control and traceability of fruits and fruits based products. The project will strengthen the scientific knowledge of the teams through the mutual acquisition of new knowledge and skills of emergent spectroscopic and chemometric techniques. The PhotonFruit proposal will be the backbone of national and international research initiatives that will be conducted by the research teams