Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : FishPopTrace
Full name : The structure of fish populations and traceability of fish and fish products
Coordinator : Carvalho GR (BANGOR)
Funding bodies European Union
Type : Collaborative project (FP7)
start and end: 2008 - 2011
Link : https://fishpoptrace.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
Country : Europe
Commodity : SE-Fish and fish products
Summary : FishPopTrace is a collaborative project involving 15 research groups (from the EU, Norway and Russia), specialized in fish population genetics, molecular biology, proteomics, microchemistry and biochemistry, experts in wildlife forensics, stakeholders of the fisheries industry and, as a scientific consultant, a senior staff member of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). While FishPopTrace starts out following a fundamental and explorative research approach, we will, based on the broad range of expertise available within our consortium, build a framework providing end-user tools in the areas of fish population analysis and fish (product) traceability as well as for policy related monitoring, control, surveillance (MCS) and enforcement in the fisheries sector.