Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : HorseMeat
Full name : Coordinated control plan on horse meat
Coordinator : European Union (EU)
Funding bodies European Union
Type : Coordination and support
start and end: 2013 - 2014
Link : https://ec.europa.eu/food/safety/official_controls/food_fraud/horse_meat_en
Country : Europe
Commodity : AP-Meat and edible offal
Summary : The coordinated control plan included two actions: 1. Establishment of the presence of unlabelled horse meat in foods: controls of foods destined for the final consumer and marketed as containing beef (e.g. minced meat, meat products and meat preparations) in order to detect the presence of unlabelled horse meat. 2. Detection of possible presence of phenylbutazone residues in horsemeat: phenylbutazone is a veterinary medicinal product whose use in food producing animals (including horses) is illegal.