Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : RTA2014-00086-C03-03
Full name : Towards a system of authentication of dairy milk origin: study of the relationship between the feeding system and the presence of biomarkers in the milk fat useful as tracers of milk origin in typical diets of Galicia and the cornisa cantabrica
Coordinator : Flores Calvete G
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2015 - 2018
Link : http://www.serida.org/proyectodetalle.php?id=500
Country : Spain
Commodity : AP-Milk and milk products
Summary : 1. Identification of specific biomarkers that allow the authentication of cow milk depending on the production system. a. Identification and validation of biomarkers for authentication of differentiate quality milk: miRNA, fatty acids, liposoluble antioxidants. b. Evaluations of the suitability of these biomarkers for the certification of dairy milk produced based on fresh grass feeding and/or pasture grazing. 2. Characterization of dairy milk produced based on fresh grass feeding and/or pasture grazing. 4. Analysis of the territorial putative potential of Spanish Atlantic arc to produce differentiate dairy milk.