Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : RTA2014-00086-C03-01
Full name : Characterization of dairy milk produced based on fresh grass feeding and/or pasture grazing, identification and validation of biomarkers for authentication, creation of a tool that allows to estimate the territorial potential of production
Coordinator : Villar Bonet A
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2015 - 2018
Link : http://www.serida.org/proyectodetalle.php?id=498
Country : Spain
Commodity : AP-Milk and milk products
Summary : 1. Identification of specific biomarkers that allow the authentication of cow milk depending on the production system. a. Identification and validation of biomarkers for authentication of differentiate quality milk: miRNA, fatty acids, liposoluble antioxidants. b. Evaluations of the suitability of these biomarkers for the certification of dairy milk produced based on fresh grass feeding and/or pasture grazing. 2. Characterization of dairy milk produced based on fresh grass feeding and/or pasture grazing. 4. Analysis of the territorial putative potential of Spanish Atlantic arc to produce differentiate dairy milk.