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Short name : RTA2010-00123-C02-02
Full name : Commercial aptitude and study of functional and nutritional components of figs tree cultivars of fresh and drying consumption
Coordinator : Gonzalez AM
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2010 - 2013
Link :
Country : Spain
Commodity : PP-Fruits (fresh, dried,...)
Summary : The global aim of this project is to determine the agronomic and commercial aptitude of several fig tree varieties interesting for fresh and dried consumption, as well as to characterize the nutritional and functional level of its fruits (brebas crops and main crops). This objective is divided in several sub - objectives: Sub-objective 1.- Agronomic behaviour and determination of the optimum point of ripeness for each variety studied. The main physico-chemical, sensorial and bioactive characteristics of the different productions (brebas crops and main crops) will be determined. Sub-objective 2.- Study of postharvest life of brebas crops and main crops in commercial storage conditions for fresh consumption.The evolution of the main physico-chemical, sensorial and bioactive characteristics will be studied and the microbial both altering and pathogenic population will be characterized. Sub- objective 3.- Study of quality and postharvest life of the dry fig, accorging to the evolution of the physico-chemical, sensory, bioactive and microbiological characteristics, evaluating the presence of molds and their potential production of mycotoxins.