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Short name : RTA2010-00063-00-00
Full name : Characterization of Spanish onions (Allium cepa L.) and breeding for pungency and sugars content
Coordinator : Mallor Gimenez C (CITA)
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2010 - 2011
Link : http://www.cita-aragon.es/index.php/mod.proyectos/mem.detalle/idproyecto.610/relcategoria.1085/chk.d89510540db79dc33a1e3d9df3b911a6.html
Country : Spain
Commodity : PP-Vegetables (fresh, dried,...)
Summary : Aim 1. Characterization of Spanish onions and other related Alliums. 1.1. Morphological and physic-chemical characterization. 1.2. Pungency evaluation. 1.3. Sugar content determination. 1.4. Molecular characterization using microsatellites. Aim 2. Aplication of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) method for onion pungency evaluation. 2.1. NIR evaluation of the bulbs. 2.2. Analytical evaluation of bulb pungency using the pyruvic acid method. 2.3. Development of a NIR calibration model. Aim 3. Continuation of the Onion Fuentes de Ebro breeding program for low pungency and high sugar content. 3.1. Obtaining seeds from first breeding cycle. 3.2. Evaluation of half-sib families 3.2.1. Morphological and physic-chemical characterization. 3.2.2. Pungency evaluation. 3.2.3. Sugar content determination. 3.2.4. Organoleptic assessment. 3.3. Bulb selection for breeding program continuation.