Food Authenticity Research Network Hub

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Short name : RTA2008-00098-00-00
Full name : Study of biomarkers as a tool to trace the light lamb production systems
Coordinator : Joy Torrens M
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2008 - 2012
Link :
Country : Spain
Commodity : AP-Meat and edible offal
Summary : This project includes a group of studies to advance in the knowledge of the contents in certain components (carotenoids and Vitamin E) that can act as markers of the feeding system in the animal product. In Spain few studies have been developed on this topic and special emphasis should be done on it due to the necessity of looking for ways of control. Therefore, it would be offer to the consumer the demanded information of the animal feeding system. The concrete objectives of the project are the following: 1. Study of the content of carotenoids and Vitamin E as biomarkers in the plant. 2. Study the presence of carotenoids and Vitamin E in food, ewes milk and light lamb meat (Ternasco and Lechal) 3. Study of the kinetics of degradability of biomarkers above mentidonated 4. Search ways to discriminate the products according to the feeding system. 5. Study capability of NIRS technique to trace animal products according to the feeding system. The attainment of the mentioned objectives will contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the performance of the possible biomarkers, as well as which are better for the prediction and classification of the meat according to the feeding system that animals have received.