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Short name : RTA2006-00174-00-00
Full name : Study of the meat production of the two main native sheep breeds from the Canary Isles: parameters of growth, quality of the carcass and meat
Coordinator : Capote Alvarez JF (UCO)
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2006 - 2008
Link :
Country : Spain
Commodity : AP-Meat and edible offal
Summary : General Objective.The general objective is the characterisation of meat from the two most important breeds of sheep, so that it can enter more easily into a rapidly expanding market whilst at the same time being in the vanguard of Ecological Agriculture in the Canary Isles.Specific ObjectivesThe evaluation of the effects of sex, age and breed on growth parameters, and transformation rate so that the farmer can make the correct decisions with regard to feeding regime and stall size.The evaluation of the effects of sex, age and breed on carcass quality parameters, to help the producer calculate the expected meat quality at slaughter, to ensure the best possible sales price.The evaluation of the effect of sex, age and breed on meat quality parameters to enable the producer to adapt to the quality demanded by the consumer and thereby improve sales and marketing of the product.