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Short name : RTA2006-00132-C02-01
Full name : Comparative study of fatty acids and CLA of bovine milk from conventional and organic farms, dynamics of breast infections, design of new biopreservaties for the dairy industry
Coordinator : Villar Bonet A
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2006 - 2008
Link :
Country : Spain
Commodity : AP-Milk and milk products
Summary : 1. Comparative study of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) content in bovine milk from convencional and organic farms.Fatty acids#Profile#Unsaturated/saturated ratio W6/W3 ratio. Relationship between CLA content and others fatty acids 2. Dinamyc of mastitis infections and efficiency of the alternative treatments in organic farms: Study of the evolution of the mammary infections in bovine cows from organic farms: prevalence of the different pathogens isolated from clinical and subclinical mastitis, development and persistence of the infections.Checking of the alternative treatments used in the control of the mammary infections and its efficiencyKnowledge of the health status of the herd through of isolated pathogens from bulk tank milk samples. 3. Study of the antibiotics susceptibility of the pathogen agents isolated from mammary infections. 4. Preparation of lytic enzymes active against pathogenic bacteria from organic milk. Evaluation of the effectiveness of biopreservatives as inhibitors of harmful bacteria development in milk and dairy products preservation.