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Short name : RTA2006-00100-C02-02
Full name : Time Restricted Grazing conditions: effect on the nutritional and technological quality of milk intended for processing into cheese
Coordinator : Renobales Scheifler MM
Funding bodies National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology
Type : R & D & I projects
start and end: 2006 - 2008
Link :
Country : Spain
Commodity : AP-Milk and milk products
Summary : The objective of the proposed project is to study the influence of management conditions of Time Restricted Grazing with indoors supplementation on grazing behaviour and milk production. Specifically, these objectives can be summarised as follows:# To evaluate the effect of type, level and pattern of distribution of supplementation on grass intake and grazing behaviour and milk production in dairy ewes with time restricted access to pasture (Time Restricted Grazing). The animal parameters studied will be related to grass intake, grazing time and distribution, and supplements/grass substitution rates. The effects that will be considered are: - Level of concentrate distribution - Pattern of concentrate distribution on grazing periods - Level of forage distribution #To study the effect of Time Restricted Grazing, and supplementation variables on nutritional and technological properties of the resulting milk which will be used for cheese production. The milk characteristics to be studied are: - Coagulation properties of milk (cutting time, curd firmness, rate of curd formation, and cheese yield). -Characterisation of the milk fat produced in different conditions: fatty acid composition, with special emphasis on conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), other poliunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and short chain fatty acids; identification and quantification of terpenoids - Characterisation of the protein fraction of milk produced in different conditions: quantification of total protein, casein and soluble protein, evaluation of different caseins. - Antioxidant capacity of milk obtained in different conditions. - Sensory characterisation of cheese made from milk of ewes under different grazing management - Evaluation of fat composition of these cheeses: fatty acid composition (CLA, PUFA, short chain fatty acids), as well as total volatiles.