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Title : Oceana: Fishing Vessels "Going Dark" Near Protected Waters
Author(s) :
Source : The Maritime Executive
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/oceana-fishing-vessels-going-dark-near-protected-waters
Country : World
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: On Monday, the NGO Oceana published an investigative report spotlighting commercial fishing vessels that appear to disable their AIS near marine reserves. AIS is a collision-avoidance tool, but it can also be used to monitor and track vessel movements. A ship’s crew may turn off their AIS for legitimate reasons, like avoiding pirates in high-risk areas, but Oceana says that it may also indicate that a vessel is hiding its location to conceal illegal activities. These could include fishing in protected areas or entering another country’s waters without authorization.