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Title : ‘Smart label’ could tackle fraud, bolster food safety
Author(s) :
Source : FoodNavigator.com
Year : 2017
Link : http://www.foodnavigator.com/Science/Smart-label-could-tackle-fraud-bolster-food-safety
Country : United States of America
Commodity: All Food
Abstract: Scientists have developed what they describe as a “ low-cost, portable, paper-based sensor” that could be used produce “smart labels” that detect food spoilage and contamination. 'My lab has built a versatile sensing platform that incorporates all the needed reagents for detection in a piece of paper. At the same time, it is adaptable to different targets, including food contaminants, antioxidants and free radicals that indicate spoilage,” Dr Silvana Andreescu, the lead scientist behind the development, explained.