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Title : Stronger food fraud deterrents needed, says egg council
Author(s) :
Source : FoodManufacture.co.uk
Year : 2019
Link : https://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/Article/2019/02/13/Stronger-food-fraud-deterrents-needed-says-egg-council
Country : Netherlands
Commodity: AP-Eggs and egg products
Abstract: The egg trader, from Mijnsheerenland in Zuid-Holland, was also found guilty of selling battery eggs as free-range, BEIC said. Inspections at the company’s warehouse found eggs stamped with fake registration numbers, so their origin could not be determined, it added. BEIC chairman Andrew Joret said that while it was good to see the producer brought to account for its actions, a relatively small fine “serves very little purpose” ​as a preventative measure.“This is a serious offence, with potentially serious food safety implications,” ​he said. “