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Title : Rare, gourmet civet-poop coffee can finally be authenticated.
Author(s) :
Source : Slate Magazine
Year : 2013
Link : http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/08/23/kopi_luwak_rare_gourmet_civet_poop_coffee_can_finally_be_authenticated.html
Country : World
Commodity: PP-Coffee
Abstract: Apparently, the best coffee in the world comes out of the backend of an Asian palm civet. After the little tree beasts feed on coffee cherries, they jettison the now-processed beans, and locals have learned how to turn these little nuggets it into black gold. The end product is called Kopi Luwak, the Indonesian words for coffee and civet, and the stuff goes for between $150-$227 a pound. I haven’t tried it, but Kopi Luwak is renowned to be so smooth and caramely, you’d think it squirted out of an angel, rather than some cross between a weasel and a raccoon. Anyway, it’s so profitable, rascally entrepreneurs have taken to making counterfeit civet poop coffee.