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Title : Seafood sold in restaurants and stores often mislabeled
Author(s) :
Source : WDEF News 12
Year : 2018
Link : https://wdef.com/2018/12/14/seafood-sold-in-restaurants-and-stores-often-mislabeled-2/
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: That “wild” sockeye salmon in the refrigerated aisle may be straight from the fish farm, New York’s attorney general said in a report released Friday. The report from Attorney General Barbara Underwood found that more than one-fourth of the seafood her office sampled in a statewide supermarket survey was mislabeled, typically as a more expensive or more sustainably fished species. “ We’re taking enforcement action, and consumers should be alert and demand that their supermarket put customers first by taking serious steps to ensure quality control at their seafood counters,” Underwood said.