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Title : NY supermarkets often mislabel seafood in fishy 'fraud': AG
Author(s) :
Source : NY Post
Year : 2018
Link : https://nypost.com/2018/12/14/ny-supermarkets-often-mislabel-seafood-in-fishy-fraud-ag/
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE-Fish and fish products
Abstract: There’s no ‘sole,’ man! An astonishing 87.5 percent of the lemon sole sold in New York state supermarkets is mislabeled, according to a report issued Friday by the state Attorney General. And that’s not the end of the cod job grocers are pulling: Two-thirds of the red snapper inspected was another fish and 28 percent of the “wild” salmon wasn’t wild at all. Instead, the primo fish were often substituted with cheaper knockoffs: fresh salmon was replaced with farm raised fish, lane snapper was marked as ‘red’, swai was packaged as sole.