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Title : Olive Oil Scandal in Lebanon Leads to Calls for Reform
Author(s) :
Source : Olive Oil Times
Year : 2011
Link : https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-business/toxic-olive-oil-lebanon/14238
Country : Lebanon
Commodity: FO-Olive oil
Abstract: Despite all the benefits of olive oil, it can stil be risky to eat in Lebanon where recently the Agriculture Ministry and Consumers Lebanon reported that there were several olive oil brands on the market containing toxic chemicals. Also confirmed by the head of Consumers Lebanon, Zuheir Berro, were reports that show a lack of monitoring in Lebanese law that caused the fake olive oil issue in the market. Zuheir Berro said several olive oil producers in Lebanon were adding certain chemical ingredients like benzopyrene and acrolein during the extraction stage of olive oil production, which create a great risk for human health.