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Title : NMR: A Technique for Detecting Alcohol Fraud
Author(s) :
Source : News-Medical.net
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20181030/NMR-A-Technique-for-Detecting-Alcohol-Fraud.aspx
Country : World
Commodity: AB Alcoholic Beverages-All
Abstract: The prevalence of intentional adulteration of consumables for financial gain has been increasing in recent years. Unscrupulous food manufacturers are intentionally deceiving customers by replacing the labelled product with cheaper alternatives to achieve higher profit margins. With increasing prices of premium spirits, the rewards of counterfeiting branded spirits (which are frequently untaxed) can be high, and so it is a growing problem1. Last year, 50 million litres of counterfeit alcohol were seized by HMRC.