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Title : GWU seafood study finds mislabeled fish at 6 D.C. restaurants
Author(s) :
Source : WJLA
Year : 2018
Link : http://wjla.com/news/local/gwu-seafood-study-finds-mislabeled-fish-at-6-dc-restaurants
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE-Fish and fish products
Abstract: The Wharf in Southwest Washington is fishy by smell, not by suspicion. So ABC7 News' Cheryl Conner headed out there to talk to seafood lovers, following a George Washington University study that found some mislabeled fish in six city restaurants. “And probably most people are like me, they can’t tell the difference with the taste. By the time they add the Old Bay and whatever else you put on it, you probably can’t tell the taste,” said Geraldine Murray, a seafood lover.