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Title : Several vanilla ice creams available in supermarkets contain no vanilla, no cream and no fresh milk
Author(s) :
Source : Independent
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/vanilla-ice-cream-supermarket-which-tesco-asda-missing-ingredients-a8508881.html
Country : United Kingdom
Commodity: AP-Milk and milk products
Abstract: A number of supermarket and branded vanilla ice creams contain no vanilla, no cream and no fresh milk, an investigation has found. One in five of the vanilla ice creams examined by Which? contained none of the three ingredients consumers might reasonably expect to find in them, the watchdog reported. Just half of the 24 ice creams in the survey contained all three ingredients traditionally included, with the remaining 12 containing either some or none. Of the five products containing no vanilla, cream or fresh milk, four were supermarket own brand products – Soft Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream from Asda, Morrisons and Tesco, and Ms Molly’s, exclusively sold at Tesco.