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Title : Shocking abuse': Why food firms must demand transparency and traceability to stop Taiwan's illegal fishing
Author(s) :
Source : FoodNavigator-Asia.com
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.foodnavigator-asia.com/Article/2018/04/05/Shocking-abuse-Why-food-firms-must-demand-transparency-and-traceability-to-stop-Taiwan-s-illegal-fishing
Country : Taiwan
Commodity: SE-Fish and fish products
Abstract: The EJF has called for the Taiwanese government, international seafood buyers as well as other governments to commit to greater transparency and traceability in the country’s fisheries and supply chains. Steve Trent, director of EJF, said human trafficking and rights abuses underpin illegal fishing, which is rapidly destroying the industry that millions of people rely on. Extent of the issue​Taiwan has one of the largest deep water fishing industries in the world and is a major supplier of seafood. Seafood exports each year amount to about US$150m to the US, US$17m to European Union (EU) countries, and up to US$475m to Japan. On the other hand, illegal fishing, including by Taiwan fisheries, is a huge global issue.