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Title : NMR analysis helps identify saffron adulteration
Author(s) :
Source : SecuringIndustry.com
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.securingindustry.com/food-and-beverage/nmr-analysis-helps-identify-saffron-adulteration/s104/a2344/
Country : World
Commodity: PP-Herbs and Spices
Abstract: Saffron is so expensive it is little wonder that criminals are tempted to cut the spice with adulterants to bulk it up. The addition to your kitchen spice rack is so expensive - at several thousand dollars per 100g - that safflower, turmeric, gardenia and the stamens of the Crocus sativus plant from which saffron is harvested are all used to boost profit margins by unscrupulous dealers. Everyone know adulteration is rife, detecting the activity is actually pretty hard, particularly for the powdered version of the spice, and for this reason the best quality saffron is usually sold in filaments.