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Title : Nuclear Technology Powers Portable Weapons to Fight Food Fraud
Author(s) :
Source : Olive Oil Times
Year : 2017
Link : https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-business/nuclear-technology-powers-portable-weapons-fight-food-fraud/57433
Country : World
Commodity: All Food
Abstract: A new joint venture by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has been launched to test nuclear-based technology and low-cost portable tools in food screening. The hand-held devices have shown potential as fast and effective weapons in the battle to wipe out food fraud. We are always waiting for the next big scandal to happen. We need to have easy-to-use methods in place.- Simon Kelly, Nuclear Techniques in Food and AgricultureThe project was launched to develop effective, portable, point-of-use tools that would provide increased protection against adulterated and fake products. The tools and technology will be used for authenticity testing, setting operating procedures, producing guidelines for analyses and to compile a database of authentic reference samples; a vital aid for reliably assessing a food’s origin and its composition.“The goal is to make available low-cost devices and methods for food authorities to use directly in the streets and markets, particularly in developing countries.